Why would a regional car dealer outsource reconditioning services it already offers?
Because it helps the Southeastern operation manage greater capacity, meet growing marketplace and customer demands for retail ready-vehicles and make more money. Since 2016, US Auto Sales has relied on Manheim’s Retail Advantage services to reduce its outlay of capital and match the company’s quality standards, while finding a faster, more efficient way to turn inventory.
US Auto Sales started in 1992 with 10 cars, one lot, three employees working out of a trailer and a belief that everyone deserves reliable transportation regardless of their credit story. Fast forward, today it has 1,000+ cars in inventory, 400 employees at 21 locations across Georgia, South Carolina and Florida. And, the company even has its own reconditioning facility working at capacity to process 1,200 used vehicles per month in Lawrenceville, Georgia.
“We love the added capacity and greater efficiencies.” “Manheim allows us to customize our recon needs and work with the transport provider; it’s a really sweet solution for us.”
- Neill Waters, director of marketing and business development
Manheim Retail Advantage: A One-Stop Shop Approach
To grow this important part of the business, US Auto Sales entrusts Manheim to manage all of its supplemental retail reconditioning needs. Currently, the dealership outsources about 400 used vehicles monthly, tapping all of Manheim’s services including 12 dedicated facilities, ASE Certified Technicians, 153-point inspections and body work, which is the dealership’s #1 need. This one-stop approach generates needed efficiencies that drive US Auto Sales’ confidence in the quality and value of Manheim’s Retail Advantage services.
This trusted partnership has contributed to US Auto Sales doubling the number of purchases year-over-year, increasing its ability to meet customer needs. By partnering with Manheim to provide recon enhancements and address capacity challenges, US Auto Sales now turns cars and makes money faster. In addition, outsourcing this function leaves the dealer in a position to focus its time and resources on customer service.
About Manheim Retail Advantage
Manheim Retail Advantage was established in 2015 and now operates 12 dedicated locations in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Georgia, Texas, Colorado, California, Washington, D.C. and South Carolina. It helps dealers save time and money managing the vehicle process from the gavel to the front-line.
Core services include: