A Ready Logistics transportation provider taking a load of newly purchased wholesale vehicles from Manheim Phoenix.
Baseball themed food was available throughout the lanes to enhance the Summer Slam sale.
Contests added to the energy and fun of the day.
Participants even had a chance to win an official Hall of Fame signature bat featuring Orioles legend and Hall of Famer Brooks Robinson.
NextGear partnered with Manheim offering dealer incentives to floorplan Cargaritaville purchases
Located north of Atlanta, Manheim Lilburn opened in early June and will have its grand opening celebration on July 31.
Manheim's new multi-consignor locations offer 1-4 lanes and all the services clients have expect.
Dallas Massey of Starkville, Mississippi, Woody Woodruff of Tennessee, Ben Gunter of Alabama, Andy White of Ohio and Paul C. Behr, WAAC president. Photo credit Myers Jackson
Manheim's SVP of Inventory Solutions sat on the panel of judges searching for the best of the best on May 12 at Manheim PA. Photo credit Jennifer Sheran
Some 100 contestants competed in the annual World Championship competition on May 12 at Manheim PA. Photo credited to Myers Jackson
NAAA President Gerry Hinton, WAAC Auctioneer Champion Andy White, and Manheim Pennsylvania GM Joey Hughes. Photo credited to Myers Jackson
Photo credited to Myers Jackson
For example, Manheim Darlington and Manheim Atlanta recently partnered with BMW Group Financial Services to host a mobile sale in Greenville, S.C. at Fluor Field, home to Boston Red Sox affiliate, the Greenville Drive
Auctions can be set up just about anywhere with the flexibility of Manheim Mobile.
Turknett Leadership Group and the Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership named Janet Barnard, President Cox Automotive Inventory Solutions as an Award recipient of the Twelfth Leadership Character Award.